“It’s like a competition to see who can copy something the best.”: Kids know when it’s somebody else’s idea

I overheard a very poignant conversation among a group of 7-10 yr old students while they were working happily on their projects. A 7 year old girl was commenting on an art camp she attended and hated because, “Everybody had to make the same thig.” Now, ‘hate’ is a very strong word so I asked her what she ‘didn’t like’ about making the same thing as everybody else… and each student had something to say:

“Not enough uniqueness.” - 9 yr old boy

“Not creative.” -10 yr old boy

“If everybody’s doing the same thing and teachers are picking…I’m not able to make what I want.” -7 yr old girl who smelled the BS

“When teachers show you something that everybody has to make, it’s like a competition to see who can copy something the best.” - 9 yr old boy

“Those art camp teachers sound like a bunch of amateurs.” - 9 yr old girl


Kids know what’s up. Kids know when what they create is their OWN idea and when it’s SOMEBODY ELSE’S idea. So…let’s give kids some more credit. Even the youngest ones are capable of so much and to reduce their capabilities to copying the work of somebody else is disrespectful to them. And, depending on the child, can put a dent in their self-confidence.

If art teachers are not honoring their students’ ideas, then what the hell are they doing? When your child is being told step-by-step how to create something, or when they come back from art class or art camp with a piece that looks like the work of the kid next to them, and the kid next to that kid…this is not real art education and your child is not engaging in the authentic creative process.


Sooooo….try leaving a variety of art materials out at home for your child to use whenever they feel moved to create. Kwik Stix are a great option for spontaneous creation with almost zero clean up. Don’t tell them what to use, or even how to use it, just let them create and let them be…


Benefits of the Outdoor Art Studio